APIO is part of the Monkiato's experiments, created with Golang and designed for running under Docker containers.

It's a dynamic Rest API where internal collections are declared in a JSON formatted manifest. APIO will read, parse, and populate all the endpoints required to interact with the API.

Github Docker registry for Monkiato provides a Docker image to be deployed easily, running a custom REST API in seconds.

How to use APIO


-  Have a Mongo database running under the same network, either if it's running on Docker or not.

- Prepare APIO manifest file with collections and fields, e.g.

    "name": "people",
    "fields": {
      "name": "string",
      "birthday": "float",
      "phone": "string"

(Sample file obtained from https://github.com/monkiato/apio/blob/master/manifest.sample.json)

Deploy APIO

This is Docker compose example running MongoDB and a single APIO node:

version: '3'

    build: .
      - "./manifest.json:/app/manifest.json"
      MONGODB_HOST: "mongodb:27017"
      MONGODB_NAME: apio
      MONGODB_PASSWORD: example
      DEBUG_MODE: 1
      - mongodb
      - 8000:80

    image: mongo
    restart: always

(Sample file obtained from https://github.com/monkiato/apio/blob/master/docker-compose.yml)

Now APIO is up and running, the API will be running at http://localhost:8000/api for the given example.

Multiple nodes management with Traefik proxy & APIO Orchestrator

We found Traefik a good complementary proxy, not only for security reasons, also to make everything more dynamic and be able to create new APIs on the fly.

That's why apio-orchestrator was created as a new experiment, in order to create multiple APIs on the fly, and get them available immediately through Traefik.

Apio orchestrator CLI used to administrate apio instances in docker - monkiato/apio-orchestrator

APIO Orchestrator is a CLI tool which simplifies the process to administrate multiple nodes. At the moment this post is written, it has been specifically designed to be used with Traefik, and all new nodes will be created with Traefik labels and accessible through this proxy only.

Once apio-orchestrator command is available, follow the checklist below and some sample command to interact with it.


  1. Ensure Docker is up & running
  2. Modify default values through config.json file (sample file available in this folder modifies domain name and base config path)
  3. Create Docker network for Traefik and APIO nodes (docker network create apio-default). If the network name is different from default, it must be declared in config.json
  4. Ensure Traefik and MongoDB are running under the same network (check docker-compose.yml sample file)

Run test

The environment is ready to run the orchestrator:

Create API node called notebook using notebook.json manifest. A collection called people will be available in this API.

api-orchestrator create notebook -m notebook.json

Remove node

apio-orchestrator remove notebook

Add collection and fields

apio-orchestrator createCollection notebook countries
apio-orchestrator createField notebook countries name
apio-orchestrator createField notebook countries country_code

Inspect API

apio-orchestrator inspect notebook

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